Helgoland Surfers 2020 Club Trip #3: Lynæs
04.09.2020 kl. 15.00 - 06.09.2020 kl. 24.00
Lynæs Surfcenter
Preliminary information on the 2020 Club Trip #3 to Lynæs from the organisers, Helgoland Surfers Tour & Event

The important stuff:
- Change of dates due accommodation availability!
- We need to adhere to principles to prevent the spread of COVID-19!
- We need to know how many couples plan to come - tell us in the comments below!
- We need drivers and co-drivers for the windsurf van! Sign-up in comments below!
- Sign-up procedure for the club trip:
1. Express interest by answering to this FB Event
2. Await E-mail with link to sign-up in "Klubmodul"
3. Sign-up and pay in "Klubmodul", first come, first served
- More details to follow.


We are organising this trip during the global coronavirus pandemic. This means we will all need to take extra care and adhere to principles designed to minimise the spread of COVID-19. Please show flexibility and help make everything work.

Special Guidelines Regarding COVID-19 for this trip

Accommodation has been booked according to the following guidelines for this trip as set down by us. The guidelines are subject to change as the pandemic develops.

1. Double beds are only for couples
2. Minimum 4 m2 per person in huts
3. No more than 4 persons in each hut
4. No party huts this year - do not visit the other huts for partying
5. Hand sanitiser will be provided and should be used
6. Any person feeling sick must leave the club trip immediately.

Using these guidelines, a we have reserved 16 beds, however some are reserved for couples. (Details to follow.)

(Preliminary) Transportation Plan

We meet at the club Friday 2020-09-04 at 15:00h sharp. We will rent a gear van. We need drivers and co-drivers, please sign up in comments below, drivers bypass the sign-up procedure above and are secured participation. Departure in private cars as soon as everything is packed. Organise your transportation in the transportation plan (link will be provided later). Please organise yourselves if you cannot depart with the main party. Club pays petrol for private cars filled with members and gear. Fuel your car before departure. We plan to return to the club in the early evening of Sunday 2020-09-06. Transportation plan: (Link will be provided later)


4 Huts at Hundested Havnehytter (https://www.havnehytter.dk/) have been reserved for us, with a total of 16 beds, 1 bed is a double bed, and can only be used by couples/family members. Use link (provided later) to choose which hut you want to stay in. Feel free to agree with other person to swap places. Huts should be left in clean condition at 10:00h on Sunday. Hut choice link: (Link will be provided later).

Surf Spots

Lynæs is a brilliant spot, and the North Cost is just next door.

Food and Drinks

Due to the corona outbreak each individual hut is responsible for food and drinks by itself. This applies to all meals also during the day. Feel free to organise restaurant visits with other participants.


Two appointed persons (NN for windsurf, Per for kite) will be responsible for taking common decisions on when to go where etc. Decisions will be posted on this event. We will try to surf together, but prevailing conditions may result in parties going to separate spots.

Entertainment and Socialising

(Still to be planned - if at all.)


Members can borrow club gear but have the responsibility to rig it and check the state of the gear prior to departure, to pack it and finally to put it back in its place in the containers upon returning.

See you all for a fantastic trip!

Best regards from the organisers,

Sylvie, Christine, Mads, Ieva, Monica, Per
Helgoland Surfers Tour and Event
Helgoland Surfers