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Julefrokost 23'
Tilmeldingsfrist er overskredet

This years Helgo Xmas party is in the making and sign up is now open!
There will be welcome drinks, a tasty 3 course (veggie/meat) Indian dinner (kindly provided by Samirs Palak paneer pusher), games, music, dance and banter. 

All other alcohol is BYO - So bring some beer, shots or preferred drink ;)

If you have a great idea for a game, want to hold a speech or have other input it is greatly appreciated - Just let us know!

Please sign up asap - We can´t wait to see you!

Much <3 from the organisers

39 /50
02.12.2023 kl. 18.00 - 03.12.2023 kl. 02.00
Det sorte fælleshus på Øresundsvej 140 S
200,00 kr.